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MEMA is requesting information for all radios registered on the 700/800 Statewide network

"The Commonwealth Interoperable Radio System (COMIRS) is undergoing a very large upgrade in the near future. Part of that upgrade is an accounting for all radios registered on the 700/800 Statewide radio network, as some may cease to function. MEMA is trying to account for all of the radios registered on the system which lists us as owners. To accomplish this, we are looking for radios that may have been assigned to outside agencies."

"Request: MEMA is requesting that cities and towns who have MEMA issued radios, (portable or mobile), on the 700/800Mhz band to let us know what you have. If possible, please let us know the number of radios, type (portable or mobile), kind, serial numbers and location(s) of the radios. We are looking to have this information back no later than March 31st. Please provide this information to your Local Coordinator or myself."

MEMA Region 3 + 4 coordinators can be found here

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