The National Weather Service Boston/Norton will recognize next week as Flood Safety Awareness Week and, as in past years, MEMA plans to share preparedness tips and resources throughout the week. At, you will find preparedness flyers available in multiple languages, along with toolkits containing suggested flood safety messaging and graphics (available in English and Spanish) that you may feel free to customize for your city/town. On our own webpage for the Central Region Homeland Security Advisory Council we have added a new landing page for Flood Safety Awareness Week which will run from March 10th to the 16th. On that page we have included the toolkit, and both English and Spanish language resources, flyers and infographics for you to share with your community. These resources can be tailored to fit your community's needs, and we also link to the MEMA Toolkits page as well.
With these resources you can make your community #floodready and to #RiseAboveTheFloodMA. #readyMA